Tuesday, January 5, 2010


"Whats for Dinner Honey?"
"Mom, whats for dinner?"
"What are YOU cooking for dinner?"

Sometimes, this question gets old. 
Sometimes I think It would be grand if I already had a menu planned out for me.. and I was just the cook.
Don't get me wrong.. I absolutely love to cook and bake.
It would just be great if I never had to come up with what to make for dinner. 
I have a thousand other things running through this brain of mine.
So, I think, we as women need to have a couple days a month that our husbands or children cook. I think It could be exciting to find new recipes that they could make. =) 
Could be like... a new tradition? ;) 
Would be fabulous. 
And I would love to always be in charge or the dessert. 
That's the easy part.... and the best part. I thoroughly enjoy baking. 
One day.............. I'll own a bakery. One day.

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