* A resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
So, Here we are today-- Making a "Firm" resolution I suppose. So, Lets be honest. Have we all ever made a sure resolution and kept it. I know that in the past I've made my share. However, they all haven't been kept.
I have now decided to make a resolution that I will cross-heart-pinky-promise that I will hopefully keep.
My resolution is to write. And often.
To some this may sound silly but I use to find much relief in this.
I believe that it'll be something that if I go back to doing often, I will find joy in doing it once again.
My second resolution is to get into better shape.
My abs are hurting as we speak.
I am trying. I may or may not be as buff as.....well.... actually, I don't want to be "buff" I just want to look better and feel better.=)
So, cheers to a new year, 2010.
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